Saturday, September 7, 2013

Haircut #3 and 18 month clothes


I know what you are thinking...haircut #2 never made it to the blog.  It really didn't go too well...and it was during crazy time so deal with it peeps ;).  A word to the wise for hairdressers that are cutting a 1 year old's hair....clippers go last.
Haircut #3 was a success...until the clippers came out (at the end).  I was a little worried actually because he napped from 11:30 until about 2pm and hadn't had lunch, so I was expecting him to be fussy, but I packed up a sippy cup of milk, string cheese and prepared mac and cheese (big guns).  But, the milk and string cheese were enough to keep him happy.  He just sat in his little jeep watching "Cars" and he was content...until the clippers.  Then,  I had to hold him and he was trying to climb up my arms onto my shoulders, but it was over quick.  I thought it was particularly funny when he was watching himself get his hair cut in the mirror.
Later, E and I went out to Bel-Ridge to have dinner with G and his police friends.  Everyone gathered at the Am Vets, a table full of cops and me and our orders and then, wouldn't you know it, they got a call and ALL of them had to respond.  So, imagine I'm sitting there with everyone and suddenly a big loud noise of all the chairs being pushed back, and then all 6-8 of them run out the door and left me sitting there by myself, everyone in the Am Vets hall looking at me....AWKWARD.  Oh well, guess it comes with the "cop wife" territory.  They never did come back to eat...although G came back to help bring the boxed food back to the station and to see me off.  E and I got to eat all by ourselves.  *sigh* I could have done that at home....damn felons. 
Last topic, I decided to go through E's 18 month clothing since he's finally starting to outgrow 12 month and I was looking to see if there was anything suitable for the wedding.  I can't believe how much 18 month stuff that was handed down to us.  I wound up going through the pile and only picking the stuff that gives me the "warm fuzzy."  It's a lot of stuff, but I am putting a good portion of it back into storage...stuff I was on the fence about went in the pile.  And I think I'm still going to go get a shirt from Once Upon a Child...didn't have too much dressy stuff.
OK that's it, eyes are droopy, it's nite nite time.

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