Thursday, September 12, 2013

A quick post

Hey guys!  Pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter.  Clunk, clunk, clunk.  Bam, bam, bam.  Crash, crash, crash.  Just a few of the sound effects going on in the Lyons household.  This, of course, is the sound of E making his way through the house on any given day.  He's unstoppable.  No can't stop him or he gets pissed.

A few instances of his walking in public:
1.  The video store. He stole the DVD from me and was walking up and down every single aisle.  Holding the DVD in his little hands.  He found it particularly funny that he could see me through the shelves when I went on the other side.  Then he realizes there were DVD boxes on his level....and then the mommy scoop up maneuver.  Hurry up and check us out!

2.  Kohl's.  The store was pretty empty.  My arms were full.  Trying to corral him to go the way I wanted him to:  futile.  Up and down every aisle.  I went ahead of him, seeing if he would follow, and he did to an extent, but with a lot of coaxing.  I got him to walk up to the front of the store, but had to do the mommy scoop up maneuver for the final leg to the check out.  Hurry up and check us out!

3.  Church.  Sit still in church when he could be walking?  I think this is about to get challenging.  Mommy scoop up maneuver doesn't work well in church.  It's the vocal part that's the problem.  I'm sure you can imagine.

Pretty much like this wherever we go.  But, he's having fun with his newfound independence.  Wedding this weekend where he will get walked out by all of his cousins, I'm sure.

OK all for tonight, pics!

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