Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back from Indy!

Last wedding of the year for us, I think!  At least that we are aware of.  But certainly not the last of our traveling.  So far, Eliseo has been so good, in a plane, name it. 

More time with the family!  This time we actually made it in time for ALL of the wedding festivities, since I took Friday and we got a nice, early start.  Only a short drive over to Indy, both of the boys napped for a good portion of the ride (G more than E).  We arrived just a few minutes before my mom/sis, but darn traffic still made us a little late (story of my life.  I swear, I'm working on my time management ::lack thereof:: but when you throw G and E into the pic...yeah...).  Thank goodness we weren't the only ones, or we might have actually missed the rehearsal.  Then, rehearsal delish.  E immediately was kept busy by all his cousins...which is so awesome for Mommy and Daddy...these little people that actually like to chase around the little was a late night and E passed out on the ride home.  Perfect opportunity for me to hit the casino :).  Nope, didn't win.

Saturday was a beautiful day, picture perfect for a wedding.  This time we planned for traffic to the church and made it in plenty of time (good for me since I was doing the first reading)!  Beautiful wedding, very thoughtful ceremony.  Made me very thankful to be surrounded by all of my family yet once again (and wondering who the next one will be to bring us all together next).  I'm so used to having to fend for myself with E anywhere I go, but my family is so happy to see him, he would be kept busy for hours on end!  The reception was very cool and different from any one I've been to, at a house in downtown Indianapolis built in early 1900s...very classy!!  Then we moved into the carriage house later for dancing...a good time had by all!  It was a long day, but very fun.  Eliseo walked and walked and walked, and danced, and partied and stayed up too late, and passed out on the ride home :).

After brunch (and another good play session) on Sunday, we packed up and headed back home.  E was so tuckered from the whole weekend that he slept the first 2+ hours of the ride home.  But, now we are back.  Work tomorrow morning (BOO)...Next up we are planning a Michigan trip...and now the pics.

Everyone have a great week!

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