Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rub A Dub

I guess welk go from my shower to E's bath. So recently he has graduated to the big boy bathtub. I had him in the toddler one for a while because he's still small enough and hr can lean back so I can rinse his hair without getting soap in his eyes. But, I thought he'd get a kick out of the big tub, and he did. He loves to splash and stand up in the water...and tries to drink the water. Eew. I gotta find something that works for the soap in the eyes though. Someone suggested to get a visor but I dont think he'd keep it on.

Speaking of not keeping things on, I figured out what E will be for Halloween.  He is going to be Clark Kent :)  Ill write about our costume adventures as they happen, but my procrastinating butt will probably do it last minute.

Couple of pics for you, til next time.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Shower Woes

It used to be easier taking a shower.  Eliseo used to sit in his bouncy seat when he was a baby, and his exercauser when he was a little older while I was showering.  Now he is mobile and he wont sit in a seat...not patiently, anyway.  So, I stock up the bathroom with a bunch of his favorite toys to keep him busy, but he wants to play with the more non-conventional toys.  Such as:

1.  The toilet.  I must remember to put down the lid or he'll be all up in it.  He hasn't figured out that the lid lifts up yet (can't wait for that day), but he does like to bang things on the lid.

2.  The toilet paper.  You know, it never rolls back the same.

3.  The trash can.  It has a swivel lid.  It's so much fun to reach in and pull stuff out.

4.  The door stopper.  We've had to remove all of the caps off of them though, cuz he puts them in his mouth.  So, it works to protect the wall, but not so much the door.

5.  The cabinets.  I've removed anything dangerous, but he loves to get into my pads...LOL.  Fine by me, can't really do any harm :)

And when all that fails (you'd be surprised how quickly he goes through everything), he just stands outside the shower and talks to me.  Which, in all actually, isn't so bad as long as there is no whining or crying. 

Sigh....I miss the days of long, hot, uninterrupted showers.  

A few new pics...til next time!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back from Indy!

Last wedding of the year for us, I think!  At least that we are aware of.  But certainly not the last of our traveling.  So far, Eliseo has been so good, in a plane, name it. 

More time with the family!  This time we actually made it in time for ALL of the wedding festivities, since I took Friday and we got a nice, early start.  Only a short drive over to Indy, both of the boys napped for a good portion of the ride (G more than E).  We arrived just a few minutes before my mom/sis, but darn traffic still made us a little late (story of my life.  I swear, I'm working on my time management ::lack thereof:: but when you throw G and E into the pic...yeah...).  Thank goodness we weren't the only ones, or we might have actually missed the rehearsal.  Then, rehearsal delish.  E immediately was kept busy by all his cousins...which is so awesome for Mommy and Daddy...these little people that actually like to chase around the little was a late night and E passed out on the ride home.  Perfect opportunity for me to hit the casino :).  Nope, didn't win.

Saturday was a beautiful day, picture perfect for a wedding.  This time we planned for traffic to the church and made it in plenty of time (good for me since I was doing the first reading)!  Beautiful wedding, very thoughtful ceremony.  Made me very thankful to be surrounded by all of my family yet once again (and wondering who the next one will be to bring us all together next).  I'm so used to having to fend for myself with E anywhere I go, but my family is so happy to see him, he would be kept busy for hours on end!  The reception was very cool and different from any one I've been to, at a house in downtown Indianapolis built in early 1900s...very classy!!  Then we moved into the carriage house later for dancing...a good time had by all!  It was a long day, but very fun.  Eliseo walked and walked and walked, and danced, and partied and stayed up too late, and passed out on the ride home :).

After brunch (and another good play session) on Sunday, we packed up and headed back home.  E was so tuckered from the whole weekend that he slept the first 2+ hours of the ride home.  But, now we are back.  Work tomorrow morning (BOO)...Next up we are planning a Michigan trip...and now the pics.

Everyone have a great week!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A quick post

Hey guys!  Pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter.  Clunk, clunk, clunk.  Bam, bam, bam.  Crash, crash, crash.  Just a few of the sound effects going on in the Lyons household.  This, of course, is the sound of E making his way through the house on any given day.  He's unstoppable.  No can't stop him or he gets pissed.

A few instances of his walking in public:
1.  The video store. He stole the DVD from me and was walking up and down every single aisle.  Holding the DVD in his little hands.  He found it particularly funny that he could see me through the shelves when I went on the other side.  Then he realizes there were DVD boxes on his level....and then the mommy scoop up maneuver.  Hurry up and check us out!

2.  Kohl's.  The store was pretty empty.  My arms were full.  Trying to corral him to go the way I wanted him to:  futile.  Up and down every aisle.  I went ahead of him, seeing if he would follow, and he did to an extent, but with a lot of coaxing.  I got him to walk up to the front of the store, but had to do the mommy scoop up maneuver for the final leg to the check out.  Hurry up and check us out!

3.  Church.  Sit still in church when he could be walking?  I think this is about to get challenging.  Mommy scoop up maneuver doesn't work well in church.  It's the vocal part that's the problem.  I'm sure you can imagine.

Pretty much like this wherever we go.  But, he's having fun with his newfound independence.  Wedding this weekend where he will get walked out by all of his cousins, I'm sure.

OK all for tonight, pics!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Haircut #3 and 18 month clothes


I know what you are thinking...haircut #2 never made it to the blog.  It really didn't go too well...and it was during crazy time so deal with it peeps ;).  A word to the wise for hairdressers that are cutting a 1 year old's hair....clippers go last.
Haircut #3 was a success...until the clippers came out (at the end).  I was a little worried actually because he napped from 11:30 until about 2pm and hadn't had lunch, so I was expecting him to be fussy, but I packed up a sippy cup of milk, string cheese and prepared mac and cheese (big guns).  But, the milk and string cheese were enough to keep him happy.  He just sat in his little jeep watching "Cars" and he was content...until the clippers.  Then,  I had to hold him and he was trying to climb up my arms onto my shoulders, but it was over quick.  I thought it was particularly funny when he was watching himself get his hair cut in the mirror.
Later, E and I went out to Bel-Ridge to have dinner with G and his police friends.  Everyone gathered at the Am Vets, a table full of cops and me and our orders and then, wouldn't you know it, they got a call and ALL of them had to respond.  So, imagine I'm sitting there with everyone and suddenly a big loud noise of all the chairs being pushed back, and then all 6-8 of them run out the door and left me sitting there by myself, everyone in the Am Vets hall looking at me....AWKWARD.  Oh well, guess it comes with the "cop wife" territory.  They never did come back to eat...although G came back to help bring the boxed food back to the station and to see me off.  E and I got to eat all by ourselves.  *sigh* I could have done that at home....damn felons. 
Last topic, I decided to go through E's 18 month clothing since he's finally starting to outgrow 12 month and I was looking to see if there was anything suitable for the wedding.  I can't believe how much 18 month stuff that was handed down to us.  I wound up going through the pile and only picking the stuff that gives me the "warm fuzzy."  It's a lot of stuff, but I am putting a good portion of it back into storage...stuff I was on the fence about went in the pile.  And I think I'm still going to go get a shirt from Once Upon a Child...didn't have too much dressy stuff.
OK that's it, eyes are droopy, it's nite nite time.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Guess what we've been up to?  Sitting.  Yeah right.  This boy is a walking freak.  He's like, oh, I can walk.  I don't need you anymore.  I can walk.  Don't even try to hold me.  Don't hold my hand.  I can walk without any help.  Get away Mom.  So, I hadn't thought this was a lot easier when he depended on me to get from point A to point B.  But, it is amazing to me, watching him go.  He has great balance, you can see him manipulating his weight to stay on his feet.  And...THERE'S NO GOING BACK!  I'm realizing how fast this is all going.  I love the new phases, each one as they come.  He is so fun to watch right now...the babbling, the mimicking, the thought processes, you can practically see the wheels turning. 

We are getting ready for wedding #2, one more road trip this month.  I think we may need to go get E some fun, new, and gently used outfit to wear (maybe something new for me too).  We still have last year's tie...hmm.....

vfgggftfntsyttyx gji8 n   iwqcty8t.....says E.

That's all for are a few more vacation pics and some new ones since we've been home.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Dolphin Cove

Let's just get straight to the pics ;).  No mindless chatter. Take notice of my fearless child.