Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Day at the Allergist

Oh my, I am a SLACKER!!!!  Slacker, I tell you.  I've just been so busy lately.  My mom has been in town and my sister visited and we stayed super super busy.  By the end of every day I've been ready to just pass out.  No time for thinking about what to write.  Even now, I'm supposed to be doing something else, but I feel guilty for not updating you all.  I guess I have a few things to go over, including our 4th of July and visit with E's cousins, aunt and Grammy,but first and foremost a big day was last Tuesday, allergy day.

Following our big egg incident, the pediatrician sent us to the allergist (remember that this is our 2nd big reaction to food).  She said that some allergies you just don't mess with.  Anything that causes anaphalactic shock--high on the list.  I didn't have to go this one alone, Daddy and Grammy also came along for this trip.  I was so nervous about the test hurting him, as we were sitting in the waiting room we heard a little kid screaming.  The receptionist saw my angst and said "It's not that bad, it doesn't even hurt."  Hmm, this kid was freaking out.   I was maybe freaking out a little myself.  But they called us back, Grammy stayed in the waiting room while Glenn and I prepared ourselves to experience the worst.  The nurse asked us lots of questions:  what I thought caused the reaction, what the reaction was, what other things he might have reacted to in the past.  The test consisted of 8 small "panels" of small needles that would just penetrate the skin.  She was able to fit 5 panels on his little back.  We tested some food stuff and some environmental stuff.  And you know what?  It was over so fast, and he didn't even wince.  He did want to scratch...like RIGHT away.  The results:  NO peanut allergy YAY!!!  Egg allergy...check.  Cats...but no dogs YAHOO!  Maple and elm trees (good thing we got an oak!), some grasses, ragweed....and the most surprising was wheat.  Like, a MAJOR reaction to wheat.  WTH??  How did I not notice that?  So now we have to be very careful about reading labels and avoiding things with egg and wheat.  Obviously, he can tolerate some level of these things, since he has eaten cakes and breads, including wheat bread with no reaction.  But, we don't know those answers from the screening.  So we have to do bloodwork.  I am questioning myself on this, do we need to put him through that?  I think egg and wheat are very difficult things to avoid and we need to know exactly what he can tolerate, since the reactions he has had (especially the last ) were pretty severe.  We are equipped with Eppi-pens...oh Lord I hope I never have to use these things.  What we have aren't exactly pens, they are more like cartridges and they talk you through the process.  You take the lid off and it tells you exactly what to do.  The pharmacist was demonstrating and I swear I was going to have a panic attack. I haven't made the bloodwork test yet, but we think the sooner, the better.  He won't remember it now, I will for sure be more traumatized by this.  The good news is, children do tend to outgrow allergies to egg and wheat.  The bad news is, we have to test again next year to see if he's outgrown them. 

So, that's it for now.  I promise to tell you about our Independence Day and all the fun stuff we did while my sister was here.  And I won't wait another week, I swear!

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