Saturday, July 13, 2013

Too late for a 4th of July Post?

I'm gonna write about it anyway!

So I am a traditional girl. On the 4th, give me a parade, a pool, a BBQ and a good fireworks show and you will see a happy girl. I guess that made me a very happy girl this 4th of July.

My mom and sister and kids were in town which made it awesome. We started off the day at the Wentzville parade... big disappointment this year.  Last year it was decent, this year. .LAME.  Next year we'll try O'Fallon.  I mean, we sat out there with our candy bags ready to collect and I think one person threw a Tootsie Roll our way.  We had to beat up little girls for some beads. Wentzville must have had some budget cuts.  Though one thing was way better than last year...the weather! Last year it was 102 degrees and we were melting. This year was about 85 and a day full of sunshine.  E was so little last year, he slept through the whole thing while I was shvitzing under his warm body. This year he was in his umbrella stroller playing with his cars. He didn't really care much about the parade, but a thing or 2 caught his eye.

After the snoozefest of a parade we got our bathing suits on and went for a dip in Grammys pool. I decked Eliseo out with his monkey swim shirt and trunks, sprayed on the 50 spf and put him in his little raft. He loved it. He was even kicking his legs like he was swimming for reals.  I was pulling him and Jessica around each in their own raft. Good workout for the mommy.

Next up was the BBQ. One of my running buddies of yore was in town and she is now prego so I HAD to see her, plus all of my current buddies too, so we trekked over to Illinois for some food, more pool time for the kiddos and some belly rubbing! We stayed there to catch the towns fireworks, which were pretty decent, I must say.  E did really good.  Hr was tired already but he had his head on my chest and I covered his other ear with my hand so the noisy ones didn't scare him. He was a little clingy every now and then, but no major freak outs.

The only down side to the day was that Glenn had to work so he couldn't join us. I haven't checked next years calendar but I hope he gets to enjoy it with us cuz he worked last year too. Next year E will be 2 and I bet he's gonna have a ball.  Or be scared shitless.  I guess we'll see.

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