Friday, July 26, 2013

A Bunch of Stuff

Ok so it seems like all of a sudden, it's all coming together for my baby Eliseo.  I feel like these updates should have happened over a few months, but I guess they'll all go in this post!

1.  TALKING--I don't know what he's saying, but he has a lot to say.  And apparently, it's really funny, cuz this is how it goes:  GNAA GNAA GNAA.....hahahaha (insert hearty, hilarious laugh here).  GNAA GNAA could mean so many things, maybe one day we'll figure it out.  Also on the list of new (and real) words:  MAMA....FINALLY!!!  Mama isn't entirely new, he has incorporated Mama into his whines and cries for a while now, but a happy, cheery "Mama" didn't come out of his mouth until this week.  Now, it's his favorite chant:  Mamamammamamamamama.  OK yeah, I love it.  And I might add, I love it even more because (other than uh oh)'s his first real word, and he said it before DADA. there you go.

2.  WALKING--I mean, we don't have an all out marathon, but we have steps.  A couple of days ago, he and I were playing in the living room before bed.  He was standing there, and just decided to take a step, then another and another...and there I was, in complete awe that he decided to do this for the first time in my presence.  So I stood him up again at arm's length, and he took more steps towards me.  Glenn was sleeping, I went ahead and woke him up since I figured he wouldn't want to miss this...unfortunately because of his schedule he misses out on too many firsts.  I tried to get a video, but it's tough when you are the only person there (Glenn didn't jump up out of bed, he gave his half-asleep "good boy" and then conked out again).  The next day I brought him to daycare and he was taking steps between me and Janelle.  His preferred method transportation is still crawling, he's the fastest crawler you've ever seen, but I think as he figures out how much more convenient walking is, he'll be running around here before you know it.

3.  DANCING--boy's got moves, let me tell ya.  Glenn was working out in the yard and had E with him in one of his exersaucers.  He was sitting in front of the keyboard,  and I came out of the front door.  He hit one of the keys that plays a song, and I started dancing, moving my arms up and down.  He mimicked me, moving his arms up and down dancing with me.  So now, he hears music, he shakes his little booty and moves his arms up and down like he's doing a baby robot.  Sooo cute.  During my work day, I listen to a Sirius XM radio station on TV, it's an 80s and 90's country music station.  As soon as put on the music everyday, he gets a big smile on his face.  But you know, he's loved music since he was in my belly.  The most notable thing I remember in pregnancy was being in church, and when the music would start, he would kick.  Now when we are in church and the music starts, he is mesmerized and I sing in his ear.  He absolutely LOVES music.

4.  TAKING OFF HIS PANTS--well, there's nothing more to say about this one, is there.

Alright, those are a few of the things going on around here.  I just keep thinking everyday as he keeps discovering new things, and as he realizes his potential, that he's only going to get bigger and learn more things and amaze us in ways that may seem simple, but that are huge steps in his little world.  He's never going to be this little ever again; it is something to be appreciated.  He might not have been the youngest baby to ever talk, walk, dance or take off his pants, but why would I be in such a hurry for him to grow up?  And sooo soo much to look forward to.

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