Saturday, July 20, 2013


I have gone missing for the last few weeks, but with good reason.  We've had lots of company around here lately....and who wouldn't want to come and hang out with Eliseo?  He's at the point where he is starting to show his personality, and it turns out he's got a pretty good sense of humor!  He's super talkative (although he still has his own language), the greatest facial expressions, and he laughs so much; you've never heard a little boy laugh so much.

So, Grammy was in town for quite a while.  This kid LOVES his Grammy.  When she's in the room, he actually prefers her to me.  What's up with that?  What a little  She does all the things that Grammy's do...feeds him sugar, coffee (yes, coffee), riles him up and then gives him back.  She can't stand to be away from her little guy, either.  When she's in town, even though she has her own place she either comes here everyday, or we go there.  He loves to go to Grammy's and play on her deck, play with her giraffes and spend time in the pool.  It's truly a blessing that he gets to spend so much time with her.  We just wish it wasn't every now and then.  We'd like a more permanent Grammy situation. 

While Grammy was in town, Aunt Dawny and his 3 cousins Jordyn, Jayden and Jessica came to visit.  The girls have always been fascinated with him (all babies, really), but this time Jayden took a little more interest in him too.  We were busy every day, swimming in the pool, visiting with my brother and his family and my cousin and his family that live in town.  We enjoyed a day at the was a hot, sweaty day at the zoo but we made do.  They had those big swamp cooler type fan misters out, we spent a lot of time in front of those.  We took a ride on the train, but Eliseo fell asleep the second it took off and took a good, long nap.

Then last weekend, after everyone left Missouri, we all met up in Indiana for my cousin's fiancée's bridal shower.  I decided to get E a nice outfit for the summer, since we have several showers, 2 weddings, and oh...a trip to Jamaica (who could forget that).  So, I got to dress him up a little for the shower and he looked soooo cute (as usual).  The shower was fun:  Christmas in July theme.  E kept very busy, crawling around and playing with all his cousins.  We just love being around family.  It makes me happy for E that we live close to everyone.  I want him to have his family.

Anyway, that's what we've been up to.  Now everyone is gone, we've been enjoying the quiet but it always makes me a little sad.  I kinda like the chaos :).  But, I've conked out on the couch pretty much every night this past week, catching up on my relaxation time I guess.  We have about a month until Jamaica, we are going to an out of town wedding the week before our Jamaica trip and another out of town wedding a couple of weeks after we get back.  We were going to try to fit in a trip to the Jersey shore, but my aunt that lived there lost her house to Superstorm Sandy (but they are rebuilding).  We have other family in NJ, but another trip seems like too much travel right now.  I'm already wondering how all these trips so close together are going to affect E's schedule (or more likely, mine!). 

All for today, it's a nice day out so E, Snickers and I are going to go for a walk before it gets too warm.  Maybe some pool time later...I love weekends. 

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