Sunday, April 7, 2013

Snickers and Eliseo

You might be thinking that last post ended kinda ramdomly....yeah, it did.  I started the post when I was pretty tired, then E started crying upstairs, and well, I did the Mommy thing and wound up falling asleep for a few minutes in the recliner in his room.  I mean, who ends a post talking about their baby eating poop?  It would be pretty funny if I ended this post now, huh? My topic tonight is about my two babies....Eliseo and Snickers.  Snickers and I, we've been through a whole lot together, she was my lifeline when Glenn was on his deployments and almost lost her to a grand mal seizure a few years ago (I find it amusing that Grand Mal translates to Big Bad).  She trusts me implicitly.  I might have shaken that trust a little bit the day I brought Eliseo home.  When I was in the hospital she stayed at my brother's house.  He brought a receiving blanket home so that she could get a good whiff of E before he came home.  Not that getting a whiff would really make any difference to her, right?  Why do we think that things like this help? So the day I came home, my brother brought her in and I was in the bedroom attempting to take a nap.  I heard her running around, looking for me.  Then she found me.  And she gave me the doggy 3rd degree, sniffing me up and down for a good 5 minutes.  She started putting 2 and 2 together, that I had brought this little intruder home with me.  For the first 3 months (at least), everytime we would bring him in the house in his car sear, she would sniff him as if to say...oh, he's back AGAIN?  Snickers might have a little jealousy streak in her.  It was probably at about 9 months that Eliseo really started to notice Snickers.  I think he was always aware of her, but he didn't really care until a few months ago.  Then she became very intriguing to him.  Without being mobile, she really didn't have too much to worry about.....until he started to crawl.  He was pretty wobbly at first, so she saw him coming and had time to react.  But now, he's fast....and she's stubborn.  She wants him to get the message that she's the Alpha dog and he must do as she commands...and he just thinks she's the funniest thing in the world.  She is not amused.  She will insert herself between me and Eliseo and she doesn't care if he pulls on her, as long as he gets the message that I AM HERS.  He doesn't.  All I have to say is the word "Snickers" and he breaks out in the hugest belly laugh.  His favorite game is to chase her around the coffee table.  And I really wonder if she actually likes to play this game, because she will go round and round with him, Eliseo laughing and Snickers growling.  She has snapped when he's gotten too close, but Snickers has never bitten anyone (and kids have given her a run for her money before).  I'm allowing her to set her boundaries with him, because that's the only way he's going to learn.  Although, I do give her breaks from him every now and then by putting her behind a gate, with access to the kitchen and the master bedroom, but I don't think she sees this as me giving her solace.  So anywho, she's happy as can be now that he's in bed and it's just the two of old times.  She's a good girl, I hope they learn to appreciate each other. Enjoy some completely unrelated pictures, I have to start blogging earlier again.....

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