Friday, April 12, 2013

2 Weeks to Fiesta!!

Hmmm what to write about.  I feel like this week has flown by.  It's just been busy, busy busy!  I've been so exhausted at the end of every day that I've been passing out on the couch, then waking up at like 2 or 3 am and going into bed.  I'm talking, like, every night.  I don't know what that's about. 
Only 2 weeks until Eliseo's First Birthday Fiesta!!  It's going to be so fun!  Maybe I should be stressing about this.  So far I'm pretty sure we're going to have like 40 people.  We just keep inviting people.  I really hope it's a nice day outside because I'm pretty sure our capacity in the house is somewhere around 25.  Glenn's mom is coming in a few days before the party and she and Glenn are going to spend 4 days in the kitchen cooking for this shindig.  Me?  I'm letting him take the lead on this thing.  He wants a bounce house, decorations on every surface, Mexican food to feed 500 people, and I'm not putting a limit on any of it.  His mom sent us a box of party favors, balloons, party hats, plates, forks, knives, anything you would need for a party of this caliber.  So I'm not going to stress.  Nope, not gonna do it.  I call it the "Tacky Mexican"'s going to look like Cheech Marron is having a yard sale in our house.  We have a lot to do in 2 weeks though.  No stress, no stress, no stress.  Oh man, I'm gonna stress big time, aren't I?
OK so what's the little man been up to?  He's always so busy!  Going through the toy baskets, playing with his learning tables, chasing after Snickers, empyting our cabinets...He's really developing a little personality, he is just so much fun.  No walking still, but he's standing all the time.  He's the fastest crawler you've ever seen...but I dont think the walking is too far behind.  OMG can you believe he is going to be 1 year old in just a few weeks?  I think he is cutting another tooth, his right top front one.  I just had a thought that one day these teeth will be falling out....*sigh*.  I gave him his first "cookie" animal cracker (see picture below).  I figure I'd better start giving him some sweets to train him for his birthday cake! 
OK well, sorry for kind of a lame post.  Glenn and I are watching "This is 40" and it's crackin me up.  I'm gonna go enjoy our quiet time...I promise a better post next time!

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