Saturday, April 20, 2013

Oh Nuts!

OK, well, I'm blaming on peanut butter.  It may not have been peanut butter.  But I think it was the peanut butter.  It must have been the peanut butter. 

This is what I think was responsible for Eliseo waking up this morning all swelled up and red and blotchy.  I didn't notice it at first, he woke up as usual...before me.  I didn't bring coffee with me, just trudged up the stairs, half asleep.  Three quarters asleep.  OK, 15/16ths asleep.  I was sleepwalking.  Anywho, I sat down with my little hungry man in my lap, propped up the footrest of the recliner and started nursing him.  At some point, I woke up and looked down at him, and noticed the spots on his face.  Then on his neck.  Then I saw the swelling on his eyelids, and the blotches around his a little red panda bear.  This was definitely not normal.  Then we switched sides and I noticed his left ear was swollen.  That's when the panic started to hit me.  Something was wrong.  I thought back to what could have caused this: it must have been the peanut butter. 

I didn't mean to give him peanut butter, FYI.  We've been praticing eating cake.  I know, tough to practice, but we have to practice eating cake so that next weekend he will be a cake eating pro.  We were at a Pampered Chef party and there were cupcakes.  Chocolate ones.  We ordered him a chocolate cake, so I thought it was a perfect chocolate cake eating practice opportunity.  What I didn't notice was the peanut butter mixed in with the icing.  He was going to town on the cake.  Loving it.  In fact, when it was gone, he was pissed.  I was feeding him the cupcake by stuffing pieces in his mouth, bottom up.  And at the top was the .....dun dun dun....peanut butter.  I think I had some on my finger, and so, it went in his mouth.  Right after that, he started getting pretty fussy, but I attributed that to being close to bedtime, so I put him in his carseat and we headed home.  He cried a lot in the car, but that's not a first.  By the time we got home, he was fast asleep.  I took him out of his seat, brought him upstairs, but him in his jammies in the dark and put him right to sleep.  And for the first time this week, he didn't get back up and stand, he slept all night. 

Looking back at it, it kind of scares me.  Maybe his reaction was a lot worse than what I saw this morning.  After all, it was 12 hours after said peanut butter injestion.  People have pretty extreme reactions to nuts if they are allergic, what if all his fussing was telling me that he was hurting?  Bad mommy moment.  Luckily, it wasn't worse and the pediatrician recommended Benadryl, which got rid of the blotches first and then brought the swelling down this morning.  We didn't practice cake eating at our birthday party we went to this afternoon, so we are going to practice once during the week.  It may not have been the peanut butter, I have noticed blotchiness when I've given him eggs before, or maybe it was the chocolate (oh please, no!).  But I'm pretty sure....anyone keeping a tally on how many times I've said "peanut butter"?

So otherwise, today was great.  The Benadryl made him sleepy so it made for extra cuddle time this morning.  Then he was in a super great mood.  We went to his friend Jacob's first birthday party where Daddy fed him a hot dog.  I held Jacob when we first got there and he fell asleep in my arms for an hour or so.  I felt kinda bad, putting the birthday boy to sleep but hopefully it made for a happier boy the rest of the party.  I felt like a Supermommy with the magic touch.  I sang him E's favorite lullaby:  "I Will" by the Beatles.  We had to leave a little early cuz G had to go to work, so E and I spent the evening together and I felt extra thankful for him today. 

I love him so much.  My little E. 

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