Sunday, April 28, 2013

First Birthday Fiesta is Over!

It has come and gone.  All the planning, all the buying, all the preparations, and bam, it's all over.  I can't give enough credit to Glenn and his mom for all the cooking they did for this shindig!  Enchiladas, carnitas, tacquitos, beans, guacamole, salsa...a whole 2 days worth of cooking!  It was all sooooo delicious! 

So the craziness began on Friday morning.  I had to work so for me it was listening to the hubbub in the kitchen.  Glenn had a list of things to tackle including mowing the lawn, picking up dog doodoo, piecing the deck back together...and cleaning the garage.  We decided since we live in a state where weather is unpredictable, we would have tables set up in the garage.  Our house is a little too "cozy" for the amount of people that we were anticipating to arrive.  Unfortunately, the weather didn't really cooperate with us.  It wasn't terrible, drizzling and sprinkling for the first few hours, but just enough to put a damper on the whole thing (yes, pun intended).  The bounce house people called us and said that all orders were on hold.  So, I knew the kids were going to be bouncing off our walls instead of the bounce house walls....but oh well.  Glenn's mom cooked pretty much all day Friday, he caught a few hours of sleep while I was working.  My sister and her kiddos made it in on Friday evening and my mom had prepared dinner for everyone so we didn't have to ruin our flow in the kitchen.  The kids were happy to help us put together the party favor bags, everyone had their part.  Finally the house was fiesta-ready.  Come Saturday, we had a lot of running around to do, picking up balloons, cakes, kegs, tables and chairs.  Thanks to our family and friends helping us, all the decorations, tables and chairs were ready for our guests.

The first 30 minutes or so of parties are always the most stressful.  People just start showing up and the traffic flow is all bottlenecked as everyone starts to congregate.  It's so hard to get to talk with everyone when you're hosting and making sure everyone has a beverage, everyone is greeted and happy.  But, once the food was served, the inside of the house became easier to walk around in as people started finding the seating in the garage.  We of course had enough food to feed a small army, and it was freaking GOOD.  After everyone was fed, it was time for Eliseo to start opening his gifts....only one small problem.  5 minutes before, he had decided it was naptime!  So, he totally slept through the opening of all of his presents.  It kinda sucks, because I wanted to see him opening his gifts, but I guess it's just as well because there were a lot of presents to go through and it would have taken him a long time.  So...shower style...I opened everything for him while Glenn held him closeby.  While he finished up his nap, the other kiddos went to town on the pinata.  That in itself was entertaining because it was a pretty tough pinata!  Glenn wound up having to break the thing open and even then, it was pretty clogged in there!  But, we got the kids good and sugared up.   Eliseo woke up a little later so we did the cake (since he could not do that while sleeping!).  He didn't go too crazy with the cake.  We got chocolate so it would be messy for him, I didn't want him staining his face with some crazy icing color (I know, I'm boring).  He wasn't very messy though, really not into putting his hands in his food apparently. Possibly the funniest part of the party was when we gave out the party favors.  I bought moustaches for everybody and they were a huge hit.  Imagine kids from 2-10 walking around wearing moustaches.  Freaking hilarious.  Especially the little ones.  Today throughout the day, I found moustaches randomly around my house.  We ended things up a little earlier than I thought we would, but everyone was so exhausted.  Still a pretty long party, I think the last of the guests left around 10pm (we started at 1).  So, a good time had by all, and my little man had so much fun playing with all of his gifts, discovering all the new toys he had to play with.  Most light up and make lots of noise, so earplugs may be an investment for my future. 

We had so much fun, and today was a day of recovery.  Wednesday is his real birthday, and it is going to be pretty low key.  That's when he'll open his own presents and maybe he'll get a little messier with the cake.  I still cant get over that he's almost 1 year old.  Craziness!

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