Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Running Before and After E

I used to be quite the runner.  I've always loved running, I ran cross country in school and have always done 5Ks since my 20's, I ran my first 1/2 marathon in 2004.  When Glenn was serving in his 2nd deployment, I ran 2 full marathons and have ran numerous 1/2 marathons since.  The last 1/2 marathon I ran (other than in a relay) was a little more than 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant with E.  I had planned to walk in the St. Louis Go! 1/2 marathon in April last year (keep in mind, E was born on 5/1) but they put a time limit on it and I couldn't walk that fast at 8 months pregnant!  But, I did walk up until 35 weeks, when my blood pressure went all crazy.  I wanted to get right back into running after Eliseo was born, I had the jogging stroller, the nursing sports bras, I was ready to go.  The first run I went on after I was medically cleared, I ran for a total of a 1/2 mile before E was having a major meltdown crying in the stroller.  He didn't really care for it.  In fact, you could say he hated it.  He really hated it.  Not to mention, at that time he was nursing like every hour and a half....and I'm not exaggerating!  So, we had to put the plan on hold.  I tried again a few times in the winter and they didn't go as well as I had hoped.  But now that the weather is warming up and he can sit in the stroller without the car seat, he's actually been enjoying coming along for the ride.  He finds it really funny when dogs or bikes go by us.  So, it's looking promising for me to get back on the pavement this summer.   My next goal will be to run a 5K with E.  I took him with me this past Sunday and the stinker slept through the whole thing!  He had fallen asleep in the car, so as not to disturb him I put the car seat in the stroller; makes it a little heavier and awkward, but it's not too bad.  The park I went to was pretty hilly, so I wound up walking more than I wanted.  And bladder control is not what it used to be...sorry for the TMI.  But, we will be running together more.

Operation Get Hot for Jamaica is still in full swing, for the first time today I fell under 140 on the scale.  I just finished up my first month of shakes and just started today on the 2nd month.  I've been going to Body Pump and running once a week, Jillian Michaels has made her way into my evening once or twice a week but I really need to step it up.  I haven't seen that much of a difference in my measurements, but I certainly am beginning to see changes.  I just wish I had more muscle tone....guess I'm the only one that can fix that, right?

Alright peeps, getting late, it's my bedtime.  Until next time...

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