Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
We're in trouble now!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013
Boppin Round Town
I love when we get company that likes to get out and do the touristy stuff! My college roommate came into town for a few days, and even though the snow prevented her and her family from getting here on Sunday, we still made the most of our time on Monday. We decided to go to the Magic House since her 4 kids would all have fun there. I'm becoming quite the regular there, going 3 times in the past 3 months but it's always fun and there is so much to do and see. The Magic House, for those who dont know, is the St. Louis Children's Museum. It's hands on and huge. Eliseo always has fun because I "wear" him so he gets to see it all. This time, his favorite was a huge computer that he could draw on the screen using his hands.....CRACKED UP!!! As always, we had a lot of fun.
Tuesday, we went to Meramac Caverns. Glenn was off Monday and Tuesday and he was rested up so we went as a family. It's pretty amazing, you just walk into a building, and next thing you know, you're in a huge cave. Glenn carried the little man through the whole tour and I couldn't help but keep an eye on his face, which was just looking around in wonder. There is a part of the tour where they do a little light show and watching him watch that was so cute. On the way home, we stopped at a winery and had a little tasting and split a case of wine with our friends, so we can finally fill our wine rack! It's never full, I like wine too much.
Shannon and her family left this morning, but I'm so happy that they chose to come visit us on their spring break. They could have gone anywhere and they came here. We had a great time!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Snow Day!!
No, I'm not really happy about this. I work from home, people. I won't get out of work tomorrow. I had a thought to get Eliseo bundled up and go out and play in it, but then I realized we would just be cold and wet. Why did we love playing in the snow so much as kids? I remember when I was in high school, I'd get home from school and get out the snowblower and shovel and have the driveway cleared by the time my parents got home from work. Including the plow pile at the bottom. How awesome was I? I'd even do the neighbor's driveway. So, E and I have been sitting around in our jammies, playing on the floor as usual. We have company coming today and I have to make one more run to the store, but I'm in no hurry. I may wait for it to slow down out there, although its supposed to snow until tomorrow. But it has to slow down, right? I'd prefer to run out when Glenn is awake before he leaves for work so that I don't have to drive with Eliseo.
We had a busy day yesterday, running errands all afternoon. We also went to church at 4:30. Did I tell you I have the best baby in the world? I forgot to grab the diaper bag, which had some yogurt cuz it was going to be time to eat around 5, and toys to keep him busy. So, we had none of that. He played with the car seat and my phone, and towards the end of the service he just fell asleep. We went home and I fed him dinner then we went to Sam's Club. As we were shopping through the store, I kept talking to him and putting my face into his hands, and he was cracking up. I don't know what was so funny about that, but I could hear his squeals and laughter echoing throughout the store. It was loud. I don't know if people thought it was cute or annoying, but I didn't care. Better than crying. We got home around 8pm, so we played for a few minutes and he went right to sleep when I put him down.
I've noticed today that he's been trying to get his feet under him when he pulls himself up to his knees. He is a master at crawling now, but I think he'll be pulling himself up and standing pretty soon. He can take his time though, I'm not in a hurry. He "talks" a lot with his "bas" and "goos" and the famous "Maaaaa" cry. No real words to speak of yet. Just a ton of cuteness.
Update on Operation: Look Hot for Jamaica, I've just been doing the Isagenix meal replacement shakes twice a day and a snack in between, then healthy-ish dinner. In a week, I lost 3 pounds, so I'm happy with that! I feel great, the shakes really do keep me full, which never really happened with any other meal replacement crap I've used before (which isn't much, cuz I'm not really much of a dieter). I haven't done much extra exercise, but I feel like I have a lot of energy and am feeling great about myself in general. I haven't re-measured the inches yet, I'll do that on day 11. I really like it though, and Glenn likes it too, so that tells you something.
That's about it for now!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Operation Get Hot for Jamaica!!!
Oh yes, it is true my readers, we are going to Jamaica! So this means, I have 5 months to shed the rest of "the pouch," firm up the buttocks, and look smokin in a new bikini! I will settle for a tankini if I must, but the good news is I didn't get stretch marks on my belly with E....I think because I delivered him at 37 weeks I got lucky. I was seeing the beginnings of them but if I'm happy about ANYTHING about being induced, it's the avoidance of stretch marks on my tummy. My attempts at getting back into hard core running have been feeble, and promises of getting to the gym more than once a week, futile. Diets? HA. You make me laugh.'s time. Running shoes, get ready to stink again. Gym key card, get ready to be swiped. Cuz I don't want to cause hundreds of tourists to look away in pain. No, I invite them to look at the HOT MAMA.
So my friend Donna has been using Isagenix products, and she has lost over 100 pounds. She lost most of the weight through diet and exercise, but she was having trouble shedding those last few pounds to reach her goal weight of 100 pounds, so she heard of Isagenix and started using the products. A few weeks later, not only did she post that she reached her goal weight, but that she FORGOT to post it and she was PAST the 100 pound mark. CRAZY!! She swears by it. I've seen her and her sister enjoying the results, and after much prodding, I have decided that I'm trying it. So I bought the shakes, supplements, snacks....bring it on! I've been drinking the shakes for 4 or 5 days now, but I've had to avoid some of the herbal supplements that help to detox and build energy because I am still nursing and don't want to affect my milk supply or pass anything on to E that isn't fully researched. But Glenn has decided he'll help me with that, because he's decided he wants to try it too. Oh yeah, we are gonna be turning heads I tell you! LOL. So I wrote down my beginning stats, and we shall see with the Isagenix and exercise where I can get in 5 months. My first goal will be 135 lbs.
Weight: 144 lbs
Right bicep: 11 3/4"; left bicep: 11 1/4"
Right thigh: 21"; left thigh: 19"
Hip: 40 1/4"
Waist: 33"
Bust: 34 1/2"
So will Eliseo be going to Jamaica, you ask? You betcha!! Glenn took him to get his passport picture today, he is so freakin cute. I attached it so you can see what I'm talkin about. Like you don't already know he is cute. :) It will be a long day of travel, but I have all the faith in the world in my little man. We are staying at an all-inclusive resort and don't really plan on spending too much time away from it. I'm stoked! The last real destination vacation Glenn and I took was to Hawaii right before he left for his second deployment in 2009. We've traveled around a lot, but all trips to see family. Commence Operation: Get Hot for Jamaica!!
Dailies for E: nothing much new, since he started his crawling and grew in his bottom teeth. Just little things like shaking his head, high fiving, cracking up hysterically at the smallest of things....and crying anytime I walk into a room. He used to smile when he saw me, now he just wants me to go hold him so he just cries. He pulls himself up to his knees but not onto his feet yet. He can stand while supported for about 10 seconds or so before he gets bored and sits down, but no steps or anything yet. Baby gates. Blocking every doorway. He got his 9 month vaccines today because we switched insurance and finally got our cards so we could prove that we were covered. Polio and Hep B. He didn't like them. Next appointment is shortly after his birthday. We didn't get a weight for him today, but I think he's gained at least a pound since his 9 month checkup. I guess I can put him on the scale at home and find out.
That is all. Until next time...
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Baby's First....
TEMPER TANTRUM!!! It was a good one...I was very impressed with his committment to being pissed off. He must get that from me, because his father is too laid back to reach that level of emotion.
So, let me tell you the story. Warning: it involves boobs and teeth. Well, what else is there to say, the little bugger bit me! I mean, I get it...he didn't used to have teeth, and they are in very close proximity to my boobs when he eats. But, this was not an accident. Lately he's been pinching me when nursing, instinctual to get things moving along, if you get my gist. But that hurts too. So he was pinching and I kept grabbing his hands, his response being to push my hands away. I guess he thought he'd show me he would win, so he chomped down. Hard. My response, you ask? Well, first to yell "OUCH!!!" with urgency, then I took him off my lap and put him on the floor. Clearly, he was not done eating. Cue the tantrum. And it went on and on...writhing on the floor, back arching, legs kicking, tears running....and any time he slowed down I would ask him if he was done, and that would start it all over again. This went on oh, 20 minutes or so? I knew the kid was hungry, and I was waiting for the moment to pass and for him to start behaving again so he didn't think he had gotten his way with this one! You know, he never really forgot. He was so mad at me for taking his food away. Finally, after a while he calmed down enough for me to feel I could finish up his lunch. But even then, he was irritated so I just closed up shop and gave the stinker some yogurt.
I really , really, really hope that he learned his lesson not to bite his favorite food source anymore. Cuz if that keeps up, we might be finishing up nursing just a little sooner than anticipated.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Car seat comparison
I don't have much new to share today so thought I'd show you a side by side comparison of Eliseo from 3 days old to 10 months and 12 days old, to put it perspective. Holy cats!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Yes, I did it. For the first time today I had to threaten my child using his full proper name.
We were upstairs in my office, I was almost done working and E was getting bored. He was playing on the floor keeping himself busy, which I was very thankful for. But then he discovered outlet on the wall without a protector, under a small table. I could see his little brain processing.."oooh I can stick my fingers in there"...light.bulb. (said in Dispicable Me fashion). He crawls up to the table, crawls under the table and stops. Hand goes up. Me (in a very stern and scary voice): UH OH....(Love and Logic words). He jumped and immediately starting crying. Well good, I meant to scare you, that will hurt you! Cries eventually die down.
About a half hour later, silly me for not finding an outlet protector. He crawls over to the table. Stops. Waits. One. Two...hand starts to go up. Me: "ELISEO WILLIAM...." He turns and gives me the most innocent look. I wasn't gonna go there, really! Crawls away.
Tomorrow: outlet protectors.