Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Trifecta

Last week....not a good week for my little guy. 

Tuesday...Food allergy.
Saturday...2nd ER trip.

Yep, 2 trips to the ER in one week.  This time was a big bonk on the head.  As any mother would suspect, this happened just before bed time.  He was having so much fun, which makes it even more heartbreaking.  But, his new thing is walking around in circles, and circles, and circles, and watching his shadow on the walls.  So, he was circling, circling, circling, tripping, falling, connecting with the wall/ happened so fast I'm not sure which part hit what.  But then, 5 seconds later came the wails.  I picked him up and he was sporting an instant goose eggs.  Actually, it was kind of like watching a cartoon, Wile E. Coyote after the Road Runner hits him over the head with a mallet.  I just watched this thing grow!  He didn't really break the skin, but I think that made it worse because it was bleeding under the skin and getting very purple.  My biggest concern was if he hit hard enough to get a concussion.  So, off to the ER (again) we went.  And I learned about myself, that I am not calm in medical emergencies.  I was trying to call Glenn, who was at work but I couldn't get my phone to make a call.  I finally got it figured out, and he met us at the hospital which was very comforting.  It wound up just being a superficial wound, no concussion, no stitches, just sent home with a bandaid and a new $200 bill from the hospital. 

So, I think I'm going to make Eliseo a bubble wrap suit. Right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank goodness it wasn't more serious. Unfortunately with little ones, things can change on a dime and you just don't know. Better to have taken him and had things checked out!