Thursday, November 7, 2013

Baby Advil Saved My Life!

Ok, maybe not mine, but probably the guy's on the highway in the morning who  suffers from my sleep deprived road rage!

These teeth are taking their time inhabiting my son's mouth.   And there are more to come.   The standing routine continued I'm the middle of the night until I realized that some pain medicine might do the trick.  Turns out I was right,  but I still was using the Little Fevers fever reducer with acetaminophen and he HATES that stuff.  Getting him to swallow that stuff was almost as bad as watching him stand and cry at 2am.  So I called my trusted baby advisor: my sister.  I asked her what baby pain reliever actually tasted good!  Her recommendation (Infants Advil) has made Eliseo the restful sleeper that I know and love.  He likes it so much that he cries for more.  WIN.  Until the next set come in. .. which I can already feel under the gums.  The bottom pair.  For now,  I will enjoy my rest.


Dawn Goldberg said...

Glad that I could help!!!!

Aimee said...

Hey it let you comment!

Unknown said...

Just not sure how yet! Lol!