Sunday, November 3, 2013

2nd Halloween

We had a fun Halloween this year, a little better than last year...#1 because he is a little older now, and #2 because last year he had a fever.   We rounded up our little pumpkin family in the weeks before, 2 bigger pumpkins and E's baby pumpkin, which I suppose was really probably a gourd... but whatever. He had a ball decorating it!  First I removed all clothing  (his, not mine). Second I put out my painting tablecloth. Third I took out the Sharpies.. and let him go to town.  Last year, I put him in the bouncy seat while I carved the pumpkin, he melted down the entire time so this was a vast improvement!  He only got a little marker on himself...luckily the marks he got on his face came off easily with a wipey. We may have a leftie here, drawing with his left hand.  Glenn and I carved our pumpkins too.. G spent a lot of time on his intricate design and I spent about 5 minutes putting an L for Lyons on was E's dinnertime so I'm lucky we have an easy letter with straight lines!

The day of Halloween,  he had a party at his daycare so we dressed him up in his Clark Kent costume which was, as I mentioned before so super easy. He spent the morning with salt and pepper shaker twins,  Minnie Mouse, a pumpkin and baseball player. At night,  G and I took him out Trick or Treating for about 30 minutes. It was a little rainy, cold and windy so we didn't want to have him out all night.  Enough for him to enjoy the experience and for me to steal all his chocolate, lol.

So we had a great day, and I think next year is going to be a ball with him. Time to think about some clever costumes..

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