Friday, November 1, 2013

Holy Molars!!

Oh my goodness, who knew how big teeth were!  So, things were going along just great at night, and inevitably, the getting up and standing started again.  This means only one thing:  CUTTING TEETH.  We're not talking the easy little guys, these are the huge, very back, take up half his mouth molars.  And this was a process.  A good week or so of waking up every 2-3 hours, standing up and having a good scream about it.  This is not good for my beauty sleep.  I really try to tough it out and stay out of his room, because usually it takes about 10-15 minutes before sleep takes over again, but those screams sometimes are just too much to take.  Because they are PAIN, and I can ease it by giving him some Orajel.  But, here is the problem, if I go in that room, there is no going back.  Yes, he will fall back to sleep in my arms, but if I put him down we start the process all over again.  So I resort to the fact that, if I go in there to give him Orajel, I am in there for the rest of the night, sleeping on the Lazy Boy with E snuggling up to me.  I know that this doesn't sound so bad, but the chair, while a very comfortable recliner, is a chair.  I pick my battles.  If it's "earlier" i.e. 2am or before, I usually will let him cry it out.  Anytime after that, I just don't have the stamina that he has, so I will go relieve him and cuddle.  Sometimes I just resort to the couch too.  But, thank goodness, we've have 2 nights of straight through sleep again, so the worst must be over with this set of teeth. 

So that's my update for tonight.  I'll give you guys the play by play of Halloween in my next post.  I've been meaning to write this post for a while now,  I wouldn't want to overload you all at once :).

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