Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Trifecta

Last week....not a good week for my little guy. 

Tuesday...Food allergy.
Saturday...2nd ER trip.

Yep, 2 trips to the ER in one week.  This time was a big bonk on the head.  As any mother would suspect, this happened just before bed time.  He was having so much fun, which makes it even more heartbreaking.  But, his new thing is walking around in circles, and circles, and circles, and watching his shadow on the walls.  So, he was circling, circling, circling, tripping, falling, connecting with the wall/ happened so fast I'm not sure which part hit what.  But then, 5 seconds later came the wails.  I picked him up and he was sporting an instant goose eggs.  Actually, it was kind of like watching a cartoon, Wile E. Coyote after the Road Runner hits him over the head with a mallet.  I just watched this thing grow!  He didn't really break the skin, but I think that made it worse because it was bleeding under the skin and getting very purple.  My biggest concern was if he hit hard enough to get a concussion.  So, off to the ER (again) we went.  And I learned about myself, that I am not calm in medical emergencies.  I was trying to call Glenn, who was at work but I couldn't get my phone to make a call.  I finally got it figured out, and he met us at the hospital which was very comforting.  It wound up just being a superficial wound, no concussion, no stitches, just sent home with a bandaid and a new $200 bill from the hospital. 

So, I think I'm going to make Eliseo a bubble wrap suit. Right?

Friday, November 15, 2013

It Was the Peanut Butter.

The allergy tests came back negative for peanuts,  but I had a suspicion that they were wrong.  I thought that because he had Nutella and veggie sticks when he had his last reaction.  My babysitter thought it was the veggie sticks because when she looked at the bag it said that they were made in the same factory as eggs.  But I looked back at her logs and he had eaten those before with no problem.  I discussed it with my pediatrician and she advised just to avoid nuts until he went back for his yearly allergy tests. 

Well,  he inadvertently ate some peanut butter this week,  and confirmed my suspicions.  He had the worst reaction I've seen yet.  I wasnt at home when this happened,  my mom was babysitting and I got the dreaded call that he was having a reaction.  So I told her to give him the Epi (which she did) and then I called 911. When I got home the paramedics were there ... it felt so scary walking into the house thinking of them working on my son,  but when I got there,  they were just asking my mom questions about the timing of it all. .. they said since he got the Epi that there wasn't much else they could do.  They offered to take him to the ER in the ambulance,  but I decided to just take him myself.   They were gracious enough to follow us to the hospital but it was only 2 miles away.  When we got there,  they did the usual; checked his oxygen and gave him steroids and Benadryl and just a bunch of observation.  We watched Finding Nemo and he played with a Potato Head puzzle on the wall.  The swelling and hives went down a lot faster because of the Epi,  so after 2 hours they released him.  He was so wiped out,  he passed out on the 2 mile ride home.

I hope and pray that we will never need to go through this again,  but I know it is bound to happen.  It's a scary thing,  but sticking to our allergy plan this time made decision making very easy.  We will be removing all nut products from the house :(. He is all better now,  thank God.  Tshe pictures were from the end of the night when he was looking much better.  I didn't even think of pictures when he was in trouble. He was having fun taking pictures of himself in the hospital bed :).

Monday, November 11, 2013

18 Month Checkup

What better to do on a paid day off than go to the doctor? And get shots? Yay fun.   But, that's what we did today. I guess when I set up the appointment 3 months ago, I didn't realize it was Veterans Day (shout out to my favorite vet, my hubby). The good news is the Eliseo is right on track..his own track, but I'll take it. He made some progress with his height and his head circumfrence, but still under the curve for weight. But this kid can eat, so I don't know where he's putting it. 2 more vaccines and a flu shot, and Mommy got a flu shot too. Here are the latest numbers:

Height: 30 1/2"  12%
Weight: 19lb 10 oz  <3%
Head: 17 7/8"  5%

Grammy has been here all week and went to the doctor with us, then we woke up Glenn to collect his free meal at Texas Roadhouse.  And the weather went bonkers, losing 20 degrees in an hour.  Also enjoy a pic from date night on Saturday...which was pretty awesome. Thats all folks ;).

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Baby Advil Saved My Life!

Ok, maybe not mine, but probably the guy's on the highway in the morning who  suffers from my sleep deprived road rage!

These teeth are taking their time inhabiting my son's mouth.   And there are more to come.   The standing routine continued I'm the middle of the night until I realized that some pain medicine might do the trick.  Turns out I was right,  but I still was using the Little Fevers fever reducer with acetaminophen and he HATES that stuff.  Getting him to swallow that stuff was almost as bad as watching him stand and cry at 2am.  So I called my trusted baby advisor: my sister.  I asked her what baby pain reliever actually tasted good!  Her recommendation (Infants Advil) has made Eliseo the restful sleeper that I know and love.  He likes it so much that he cries for more.  WIN.  Until the next set come in. .. which I can already feel under the gums.  The bottom pair.  For now,  I will enjoy my rest.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

2nd Halloween

We had a fun Halloween this year, a little better than last year...#1 because he is a little older now, and #2 because last year he had a fever.   We rounded up our little pumpkin family in the weeks before, 2 bigger pumpkins and E's baby pumpkin, which I suppose was really probably a gourd... but whatever. He had a ball decorating it!  First I removed all clothing  (his, not mine). Second I put out my painting tablecloth. Third I took out the Sharpies.. and let him go to town.  Last year, I put him in the bouncy seat while I carved the pumpkin, he melted down the entire time so this was a vast improvement!  He only got a little marker on himself...luckily the marks he got on his face came off easily with a wipey. We may have a leftie here, drawing with his left hand.  Glenn and I carved our pumpkins too.. G spent a lot of time on his intricate design and I spent about 5 minutes putting an L for Lyons on was E's dinnertime so I'm lucky we have an easy letter with straight lines!

The day of Halloween,  he had a party at his daycare so we dressed him up in his Clark Kent costume which was, as I mentioned before so super easy. He spent the morning with salt and pepper shaker twins,  Minnie Mouse, a pumpkin and baseball player. At night,  G and I took him out Trick or Treating for about 30 minutes. It was a little rainy, cold and windy so we didn't want to have him out all night.  Enough for him to enjoy the experience and for me to steal all his chocolate, lol.

So we had a great day, and I think next year is going to be a ball with him. Time to think about some clever costumes..

Friday, November 1, 2013

Holy Molars!!

Oh my goodness, who knew how big teeth were!  So, things were going along just great at night, and inevitably, the getting up and standing started again.  This means only one thing:  CUTTING TEETH.  We're not talking the easy little guys, these are the huge, very back, take up half his mouth molars.  And this was a process.  A good week or so of waking up every 2-3 hours, standing up and having a good scream about it.  This is not good for my beauty sleep.  I really try to tough it out and stay out of his room, because usually it takes about 10-15 minutes before sleep takes over again, but those screams sometimes are just too much to take.  Because they are PAIN, and I can ease it by giving him some Orajel.  But, here is the problem, if I go in that room, there is no going back.  Yes, he will fall back to sleep in my arms, but if I put him down we start the process all over again.  So I resort to the fact that, if I go in there to give him Orajel, I am in there for the rest of the night, sleeping on the Lazy Boy with E snuggling up to me.  I know that this doesn't sound so bad, but the chair, while a very comfortable recliner, is a chair.  I pick my battles.  If it's "earlier" i.e. 2am or before, I usually will let him cry it out.  Anytime after that, I just don't have the stamina that he has, so I will go relieve him and cuddle.  Sometimes I just resort to the couch too.  But, thank goodness, we've have 2 nights of straight through sleep again, so the worst must be over with this set of teeth. 

So that's my update for tonight.  I'll give you guys the play by play of Halloween in my next post.  I've been meaning to write this post for a while now,  I wouldn't want to overload you all at once :).