Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Wonder...

So,  I wonder if anyone is still out's been a long time, but for some reason I felt like putting out a new post today.

It's been a while because we have been working on a lot of things over here.  Life is pretty messy, and we've had our share of it lately.  We have been working through some addictions and dysfunctions, putting our relationship to the test.  We've spent a lot of time in "survival mode" and have been working on some peace and serenity.  As if it's that easy to make that choice and expect things to suddenly change.  I'm not going to air dirty laundry out here, but I kind of feel like a fraud if I just let everyone believe we have the perfect life.  Believe me, we don't.  But we're working on living a REAL life.

I refuse to put out Glenn's inventory, but for me, I deal with co-dependency and anxiety.  Putting everyone else before me, not standing up for myself; trying to control outcomes and situations and everything around me, until it becomes so exhausting that I can't take it anymore.  "Sucking it up" was something I thought I just had to do, but then I'd manifest my anger in passive aggressive ways and then just blow up over something stupid.  So Glenn and I are learning how to communicate, REAL communication, and realizing that respectful conflict in a relationship is a good thing.  And the cool thing is Eliseo gets to learn what healthy communication looks like through us.  We certainly aren't pros at it, it's like learning a whole new language, finding the right words to say.  But, it feels good.  Better than pretend normal.

So, maybe I'll elaborate more to share what we learn in this blog, I haven't decided yet.  But, I somehow felt a responsibility to put it out to the "world."

All for now...

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