Monday, February 3, 2014

Looks like we're done!

A little to my dismay, I think we are finally done nursing. We have gone 4 nights now without it. I don't think Eliseo is as sad about it is I am. I've only been doing one nursing session at night for months now, but he still wanted to do it so I went along until he gave me signs. Lately I've noticed him almost struggling a little, its not coming as fast as he would like it so I've been getting a lot of stiff arms, round house kicks, and right hooks (more than normal!). People its getting dangerous lol. Every other decision I've made about nursing has seemed very natural and organic, so I wasn't going to put a time limit on this either. Friday night we were out late and he fell asleep in the car, so no nurse needed. Saturday I was feeling under the weather so I heated him up a cup from my frozen supply and he sucked down 6 oz of milk before I could sing him his first lullaby. And when I put him down, he was drowsy but not asleep and there was no satisfied him. So Sunday I did the same...and tonight. I have enough frozen supply to last probably more than a month and I'd rather give it to him than pour it down the drain. I thought about donating it but I've heard a lot of bad stories about babies getting sick from donated breast milk. I don't remember if I ever stored milk when I wasn't feeling 100% healthy. So I will give it all to him and then switch to nice warm organic whole milk that I give him at all other times if the day. Big sigh. I've loved nourishing my little man, its truly been a very special time for us. We made it to 21 months. But it's time to move on now.  Ugh, tear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You did awesome. You made it a lot longer than most people do and have him the best! It's suggested to nurse until the age of 2 so you made it close enough! It's an awesome bond that no one else can experience with him.