Monday, October 7, 2013

Making Memories of Us

Days go by so fast, sometimes it's hard to remember that we are making everyday memories for Eliseo.  It's easy to remember the special times, but it's the everyday stuff that sticks.

The other day, Glenn, Eliseo and I were in the bedroom, I had just finished working and Glenn was getting ready to go to work.  E and I were keeping him company as he was getting dressed.  We have one of E's "play tables" in our bedroom (that keeps him entertained when we are showering, getting dressed, or trying to catch a few more winks of sleep).  There is a keyboard on the toy, and it plays songs that E loves to dance to.  He was playing the music, and I was trying to get him to do his baby robot...which is hilarious.  So I was dancing, he looked over at Glenn and wanted Glenn to he did, and Eliseo was so happy, he started busting out his moves too.  So here we all were, in the bedroom on a weekday, all three of us dancing and laughing.  Glenn said "You know, these are the times that he's going to remember, that make his childhood a happy one."  Yeah, he's right...and I just drank in the moment.  I know E knows he is loved.  We might be accused of "spoiling,"  but not so much with stuff as much as with giving him our love and affection.  He knows he is VERY loved.  We still work on building the special memories but I will remember this one.

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