Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Shouty caps: HE'S WALKING!!!

Well hellllllllooooooo readers!  I bet you were all wondering when you would see another post (all 4 of you that follow me).  Today is the day.....WOOHOO! 

Obviously the biggest update I have for you is the fact that my child is now getting around on 2 feet rather than on his hands and knees!  YAY!  He is still in transition, but he's trying it out more and more.  He'll think about it and decide to stand up, take a few steps, get wherever  he's going, clap for himself and move on to the next thing.  Ain't no thing, he says.  But, if he needs to get somewhere fast, like when Snickers barks and freaks him out, he's back down in crawling mode.  He will walk next to me though, if I'm holding one of his hands (which my back is very happy about).  We are running into the inevitable problem however:  don't even try to pick him up after he's been down.  So if we are going to have to be sitting somewhere for a while, I try not to let his feet hit the ground or we might have a little temper tantrum.

Next topic:  the words.  I posted a few weeks ago about his constant chatter, this is still pretty much the same.  But he is much more expressive now, and I wish I could explain in detail some of the faces he makes when he talks, but I'm not creative enough with my words to convey it.  Suffice it to say, it's darn cute.  And laughing, always laughing.  He is also saying Daddy, much to Glenn's satisfaction.  It's kind of more Gah-Gee, but it's definitely to address Glenn.  And I think the cutest thing he's doing now is counting to three.  Another mimic of me saying:  "Ready?  One....Two....THREEEEEEE"  saying the 1 and 2 in a lower tone and singing out the 3.   For him, it's more like:  "uhhhh, oooooo....fweeeeeeeeee!!"  CUTE!!!  And of course, he barks at all dogs.  And anything that looks like dogs, such as cats, bunnies and giraffes.  Yes, in the ones that decorate Grammy's apartment. 

So this past weekend, we traveled to Pittsburgh for my cousin's wedding.  We weren't sure about making this trip, because our Jamaica trip is right around the corner, but my mom was here a couple of weeks before the wedding and she was driving to PA from here.  So Glenn and I hitched a ride with her (and E, of course) and only had to fly one way back, making it a doable trip, timewise and financially.  We got to see all of the fam again, which is always awesome.  We've had a lot of excuses lately to get together with the extended families, either for good circumstances or bad.  But this is the reason we moved back to the Midwest, to be part of the crazy hubbub that is my family.  We have one more wedding in September and then we are planning a Michigan trip sometime in October.  Then, well, the holidays will be here and another year will be gone.  So between now and the end of the year, we will be seeing plenty of Grammy, Aunt Dawny and family, which makes us very happy. 

And that is mostly all for today, I guess.  Jamaica is coming up, getting very excited!  But needless to say, all the travel and preparation is exhausting so my blog has taken a bit of a nosedive lately.  I'll try to at least post some pics to keep you all coming back...all 4 of you.

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