Thursday, August 22, 2013

15 month appt ..Finger Pricks are the WORST!!!

Yes we had our 15 month appt at the pediatrician today. Things were going well: undress the baby, take measurements, baby plays until the doctor comes in. He was having so much fun, crawling around in his diaper, playing with the toys provided as distractions. When the doctor came in he was a little reserved but still laughing and smiling. He really enjoyed the little "massage" she gave him while checking out his heartbeat, kidneys and lungs.  But then she went too far. She wanted to look in his ears. He did NOT trust her with her handy little light inn the side of his head where he couldn't keep an eye on her. And this little guy has some muscles! So, begin the crying. We finally got him to sit still long enough for her to check out the ears, despite all his protesting. But then came in the most dreaded person in the doctor's office: the shot giver.  It just went downhill from here.  First off, the finger prick to test his iron. He was sitting on my lap and Glenn was next to me...he had to sit still AND sacrifice his poor little finger. Now I've gotten finger pricks before and those things hurt! He absolutely SCREAMED. :( and of course he didn't bleed well enough so she had to prick him a second time. More blood curdling screams.  I tried to keep my composure, but I'm pretty sure Glenn was wiping away tears.  But you know what he hated more than the prick? The bandaid and everything it represented! He just held up his hand and screamed at it...all the way to the car when I finally took it off.  But not before he got 2 other shots in the legs.  Boo I hate shots.  But, they are over now and no fever as of yet.

15 month stats:
Height: 29.25 inches 8%
Weight: 18lbs 11oz < 3%
Head circumference: 17.5" < 3%

She's still not concerned about his weight because he is gaining at a normal pace.

So that's our excitement for the day! Now we are recovering.  All bandaids have been removed!

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