Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Blog bloggity blog blog blog. I have one. But I no blog. Ok I blog now.

Yes, we went to Phoenix! Trip #2 for my little E. He did good.. yet again! Better on the trip there than back. He got a little fussy fighting sleep on the way home,  but even so everyone seated around us told us how good he was after we had landed. So I'll take it!   Probably the last free lap child free flight. After 2 years old we have to start buying him a seat.

We got to see lots of our friends and family again, which of course was the reason for the trip. We snuck in a trip to the Phoenix zoo and the Children's Museum. Eliseo got to play pretty hard.

Let's talk about some of the fun stuff my little man is doing these days. #1 Reading books. My favorite thing at bedtime is finishing up reading a story and then telling him to read it to Mommy. We have a doggy book and its hilarious to hear him attempt all of the different barks. I think the funniest is seeing him copy the things I do when I read to him. Melts my heart. #2 the SINGING. Oh its so cute. It started off with Christmas music and evolved into the alphabet, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You're Hapoy and you know it (the Scout Bark With Me version, woof woof), and the Bubble Guppies and Sponge Bob.  A few words are emerging but mostly its just carrying the tune. #3 the KISSING.  Mwah mwah mwah to every stuffed animal. Too cute. And he is very generous with kisses for people too. Ask and you shall receive.

We are back into reality...and avoided the latest Polar Vortex so back to work for me and daycare for the little guy tomorrow. Thankfully he took to his crib again after sleeping in bed with us for a week. He is even adjusted back to his normal sleep schedule. Such a good boy.

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