Thursday, January 30, 2014

A word on Parenthood

Tv spoofs it, movies glorify it, but being a real life parent is no joke. God has given me this awesome little human being to take care of, to nuture and build up into a member of society.  When trying to get pregnant,  all you really think about is the baby part.  The cute, little sleeping baby. Then they grow into little people...seriously!!! I imagined myself with a baby and sure, with an older child who I can talk to, but its dawning on me (yes, just now) that this is a little person who looks at Glenn and I for every example in life, starting now and proving it by mimicking everything we do. He's starting to understand words, comprehend situations and even tell us what he wants (sometimes only with an urgent grunt). How do we know we are doing the right things? For example, yesterday he threw a tantrum because he didn't want the rest of his chicken for dinner. So I went to the kitchen and got a Hawaiian roll for him,  which he loves. But then I realized that I would only be positively reinforcing the tantrum. Man this job is hard! Before you have kids, you look at other parents and think: I'll never do that or I'm definitely doing that! And then boom...kiddo is here and he interacts with you and you just have to know what the right thing is to do in that very moment. Or do you? I guess its the same as anything else in life, you have to set boundaries and respect them, then learn from every situation.  I may not be the perfect mom, motherhood doesn't come as naturally to me as it does to some others out there, but I think I'm doing an ok job at it. I'm definitely the best mom that Eliseo has. And I don't take the responsibity lightly. 

God, I will love and nuture the gift that you haven entrusted us with. I will not let You or him down.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Blog bloggity blog blog blog. I have one. But I no blog. Ok I blog now.

Yes, we went to Phoenix! Trip #2 for my little E. He did good.. yet again! Better on the trip there than back. He got a little fussy fighting sleep on the way home,  but even so everyone seated around us told us how good he was after we had landed. So I'll take it!   Probably the last free lap child free flight. After 2 years old we have to start buying him a seat.

We got to see lots of our friends and family again, which of course was the reason for the trip. We snuck in a trip to the Phoenix zoo and the Children's Museum. Eliseo got to play pretty hard.

Let's talk about some of the fun stuff my little man is doing these days. #1 Reading books. My favorite thing at bedtime is finishing up reading a story and then telling him to read it to Mommy. We have a doggy book and its hilarious to hear him attempt all of the different barks. I think the funniest is seeing him copy the things I do when I read to him. Melts my heart. #2 the SINGING. Oh its so cute. It started off with Christmas music and evolved into the alphabet, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You're Hapoy and you know it (the Scout Bark With Me version, woof woof), and the Bubble Guppies and Sponge Bob.  A few words are emerging but mostly its just carrying the tune. #3 the KISSING.  Mwah mwah mwah to every stuffed animal. Too cute. And he is very generous with kisses for people too. Ask and you shall receive.

We are back into reality...and avoided the latest Polar Vortex so back to work for me and daycare for the little guy tomorrow. Thankfully he took to his crib again after sleeping in bed with us for a week. He is even adjusted back to his normal sleep schedule. Such a good boy.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas and the New Year

So it's been a little while again, huh?  Sorry bout that.  And so much for stress-free Christmas, but at least I'd say it was an improvement over years past.  And when it all came down to it, I had what I needed to have done when I needed to have it.  So why all the fuss?   Well, that's just me.  Maybe one day I'll chill out.  Man, I hope so.

OK so enough about me.  I know you really want to know about Eliseo.  I think he was just a little spoiled this year...and seeing as how this is only his second Christmas, we are in for some really great times down this road.  Glenn had to work on Christmas Eve, so he got home nice and early Christmas morning.  After I had my coffee (a must!) we went up to our big Christmas tree in the loft and got to opening.  E had a lot of fun with all of the commotion, but he didn't really get the unwrapping part.  He liked what he found inside all the paper, but the element of surprise doesn't intrigue him quite yet.  So what did he get?  Well, the big things:  a wagon, a Little Tikes grill and picnic set, a big stuffed dragon that he fell in love with at the store, a V-Tech tablet and a Monsters Inc 4-Wheeler.  He also had a pretty kick-ass stocking if I do say so, with little things like books and movies, coloring books, snacks and a few doo-dads.  After all the presents were opened, Glenn went to bed and E and I played with all his new stuff and watched movies...a very relaxed day after all of the chaos that had led up to it in the prior weeks.  We just spent the day together as a family and it was just about perfect. 

A couple days after Christmas, my sis, kids and mom came to visit (and are still here), visiting with them is always the best part of the holidays for me.  Eliseo has been having a blast again with all his cousins, his aunt and Grammy.  We brought in the new year at my brother's house...he almost made it to midnight this year but not quite.  His mommy and daddy got away for a little bit to a wine bar, so his aunt Dawny had the pleasure of rocking him to sleep.  Although, he woke up after a while when we started packing up to head home.  He stayed up the entire ride home but passed out in his crib as soon as his head hit the mattress. 

And that's about it, it's been a great week, relaxed hanging out with the fam.  It all goes too fast, and I can't believe we are already saying goodbye to 2013.  Here's hoping for a great year for everyone, including great things for the Lyons family!