Tv spoofs it, movies glorify it, but being a real life parent is no joke. God has given me this awesome little human being to take care of, to nuture and build up into a member of society. When trying to get pregnant, all you really think about is the baby part. The cute, little sleeping baby. Then they grow into little people...seriously!!! I imagined myself with a baby and sure, with an older child who I can talk to, but its dawning on me (yes, just now) that this is a little person who looks at Glenn and I for every example in life, starting now and proving it by mimicking everything we do. He's starting to understand words, comprehend situations and even tell us what he wants (sometimes only with an urgent grunt). How do we know we are doing the right things? For example, yesterday he threw a tantrum because he didn't want the rest of his chicken for dinner. So I went to the kitchen and got a Hawaiian roll for him, which he loves. But then I realized that I would only be positively reinforcing the tantrum. Man this job is hard! Before you have kids, you look at other parents and think: I'll never do that or I'm definitely doing that! And then boom...kiddo is here and he interacts with you and you just have to know what the right thing is to do in that very moment. Or do you? I guess its the same as anything else in life, you have to set boundaries and respect them, then learn from every situation. I may not be the perfect mom, motherhood doesn't come as naturally to me as it does to some others out there, but I think I'm doing an ok job at it. I'm definitely the best mom that Eliseo has. And I don't take the responsibity lightly.
God, I will love and nuture the gift that you haven entrusted us with. I will not let You or him down.