Friday, January 25, 2013

Remembering Grammy

I'm sitting in Eliseo's room right now rocking him...he sometimes wakes up after I put him down at night. Usually I will just let him cry for a few minutes and he goes back to sleep, but every now and then, especially weekends, I like to pick him up and rock him back to sleep. Tonight is one of those nights. As I'm sitting here smelling the sweetness off baby, I'm thinking of my grandmother. She is only expected to live a few more days, but dementia stole the real Margaret Mikusi from us years ago.  These are some of my favorite memories that I've been thinking of:

1.  She always had perfect hair. She used to sleep with her head hanging off of the bed to preserve her curls. Now that's dedication.

2.  When I was a toddler, even at 3 or 4 years old, I used to play in her kitchen, which you stepped down into. It reminded me of a cave somehow.

3. Instead of pouring, she used to offer to "spill" me some milk.

4. My grandparents cellar (yes they had a real cellar, like the Wizard of Oz) was always stocked with big cans of Hi-C.

5. Her doctor always told her she needed to gain weight so she would make us milkshakes to drink with her.

6. She was the Palmetto bug's worst enemy. If she found one in her kitchen, the bottom of her slipper was the last thing they ever saw.

7. She gave great hugs.

8. She used the phrase "I'll give you a knuckle sandwich" when we misbehaved.

9. She used the play "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" at top volume on her record player.

10.  She was the sweetest, kindest lady ever to bless this world and would do anything for her family.

She will be dearly missed.

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